A fantastic event proving a true test of the competitors’ paddling skills, with 3 great races including downwinding in very extreme conditions, technical racing with a LOT of corners, and hard flat-water blasting. Three very different types of paddling, and all done on the same board.
Scroll down to read the report and results on each of the individual days.
Saturday Surprise
Sunday – Stone Store Stand-Up
Monday – Paihia Power Paddle
A hard core of 31 racers completed all 3 events, undergoing a true all round test of their paddling skills: So here’s how they finished overall.
1: Matt Anderson
2: Jan Dunlop
3: Mike Pirrit
4: james Reeves
5: Kelso Offenbaker
6: Mike Ward
7: Paul Davis
8: Jason Clough
9: Jason Tudor
10: Karl Gaensicke
11: Sean Dunn
1: Scott Keon
2: Peter Henderson
3: David Cracknell
4= Hilton Leith
4= James Bilyard
6: Sean Booth
7: Jim Lyle
8: Greg Gibb
1: Angie McKee
2: Trudy Lile
3: Charlene Griffiths
1: Marlene Jackson
2: Sharon Thompson
3: Ann Baker
1: Pip Gainsecke
2: Sarah Ambler
Max Hittle
Jake Ward
Julie Wood
Brian Jordan
WHAT A DAY!! Torrential rain and winds gusting up to 40 knots… time for a real downwinder. Congrats to the 28 souls who braved the elements and enjoyed a classic 9km downwinder up the Kerikeri inlet. Results as follows:
9k Downwinder
1: Matt Anderson (1st mens open class)
2: Mike Pirrit (2nd mens open class)
3: Jan Dunlop (3rd mens open class)
4: james reeves (4th mens open class)
5: scott keon (1st mens masters open class)
6: Ben Godwin (5th mens open class)
7: Kelso Offenbaker (6th mens open class)
8: Peter Henderson (2nd mens masters open class)
9: Angela Mckee (1st womens 12’6 class)
10: David Cracknell (3rd mens masters open class)
11: Marlene Jackson (1st womens masters open class)
12: Jason Clough (7th mens open class)
13: Paul Davis (8th mens open class)
14: Jason Tudor (9th mens open class)
15: Hayden Clarke (10th mens open class)
16: Hilton Leith (4th mens masters open class)
17: Karl Gaensicke (11th mens open class)
18: James Bilyard (5th mens masters open class)
19: Bryce Lee (6th mens masters open class)
20: Trudy Lile (2nd womens 12’6 class)
21: Mike Ward (12th mens open class)
22: Jake Ward (1st mens U12 open class)
23: Bruce Yovich (7th mens masters open class)
24: Sean Booth (8th mens masters open class)
25: brian jordan (1st mens veteran open class)
26: Shirley Dryden (1st womens one-design class)
27: Max Hittle (1st mens one-design class)
28: Jim Lyle (9th mens masters open class)
And extremely well done to the 8 racers who went for the shorter inshore course (just as wet and windy!)3k Inshore Race
1: Sean Dunn (1st mens open class)
2: Sharon Thompson (1st womens masters 12’6)
3: Greg Gibb (1st mens masters open class)
4: Sharlene Griffen (1st womens open 12’6)
5: Pip Gaensicke (1st womens open class)
6: Sarah Ambler (2nd womens open class)
7: Ann Baker (2nd womens masters 12’6)
8: Julie Wood (1st womens veteran 12’6)
Another fabulous day of racing, and this time with great weather too! Well done everyone who took part, great to see you all on the water. And the results are:
Mens Open Division
1: Matt Anderson
2: Jan Dunlop
3: Mike Pirrit
4: Ben Godwin
5:james reeves
6: Mike Ward
7: Kelso Offenbaker
8: Paul Davis
9: Jason Tudor
10: Karl Gaensicke
11: Sean Dunn
12: Jason Clough
Mens Masters Division
1: scott Keon
2: Peter Henderson
3: David Cracknell
4: Hilton Leith
5: James Bilyard
6: Sean Booth
7: Jim Lyle
8: Bryce Lee
9: brian jordan (first veteran)
10: Greg Gibb
Mens OD Fleet
1: Karl Roberts
2: Brett Farrell (1st master)
3: Max Hittle
4: Denis Buckland (1st Veteran)
Women 12’6 Division
1: Angela Mckee
2: Trudy Lile
3: Sharlene Griffen
Women 12’6 Masters Division
1: Marlene Jackson
2: Sharon Thompson
3: Ann Baker
Womens Open Division
1: Pip Gaensicke
2: Sarah Ambler
3: Nicola Davis
Womens Veteran Division
1: Julie Wood
Womens OD Fleet
1: Anna Dawes
Womens Surfboard Fleet
1. Vanessa Goodwin
Boys U12
1: Jake Ward
2: Quin Pirrit
Girls U16
Amber Jackson
Girls U12
1: Jana Godwin
2: Isla Robinson
3: Jenna Dawes
Girls U10
Rosara Davis
Another fabulous race, and oh wow were we ever lucky with the weather! Following on from Saturday’s downwinder and Sunday’s technical racing, today was a good old fashioned straight line (ish) flat water 6km paddle – but amidst some beautiful scenery and with the added fun of negotiating a large waterfall in full spate.
1: Matt Anderson (1st mens open)
2: Jan Dunlop (2nd mens open)
3: Mike Pirritt (3rd mens open)
4: Scott Keown (1st mens masters)
5: James Reeves (4th mens open)
6: Pete Henderson (2nd mens masters)
7: Mike Ward (5th mens open)
8: Kelso Offenbacker (6th mens open)
9= Marlene Jackson (1st 12’6 women masters)
9= Angie McKee (1st 12’6 women open)
11: Brett Farrell (3rd mens masters)
12: David Cracknell (4th mens masters)
13: Jason Clough (7th mens open)
14: Paul Davis (8th mens open)
15: Sean Booth (5th mens masters)
16: James Billyard (6th mens masters)
17: Jason Tudor (9th mens open)
18: Jim Lyle (7th mens masters)
19: Karl Gainsecke (10th mens open)
20: Hilton Leith (8th mens masters)
21: Saron Thompson (2nd 12’6 womens masters)
22: Bruce Yovich (9th mens masters)
23: Trudy lile (2nd 12’6 womens open)
24: Sean Dunn (11th mens open)
25: Pip Gainsecke (1st womens open)
26: Brian Jordan (1st mens vet)
27: Jake Ward (1st U12)
28: Sharlene Griffiths (3rd 12’6 womens open)
29: Quinn Pirritt (2nd U12)
30: Max Hittle (1st one-design mens)
31: Sarah Ambler (2nd womens open)
32: Gregg Gibbs (10th mens masters)
33: Shirley Dryden (1st one-design womens)
34: Julie Wood (1st womens veteran)
35: Ann Baker (3rd 12’6 womens masters)
36: Amber Jackson (1st U14)
37: Sam Canamel (2nd one-design mens)
1: Denis Buckland
2: Estel Leray